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Welcome back to our 2024-2025 Season of shows at the Charlotte Performing Arts Center!


Our annual volunteer recruitment has begun!  We will conduct volunteer training on Tuesday, August 27 OR Thursday, September 5 from 6:00 – 8:30.  Training will take place in the auditorium. The end time is approximate, and could run a little longer each night.  At the end of the session, you will have a chance to sign-up for shows you wish to work. You are only required to attend ONE session! Please contact me before August 26 at or by phone at 517-541-5691 to RSVP for one of the training sessions. PLEASE REMEMBER TO RSVP, SO I CAN PREPARE FOR THE CORRECT NUMBER OF PEOPLE AT EACH SESSION.


If you have a friend that would like to join our volunteer staff, please bring them with you to training!  Both new and returning volunteers will have training at the same time.  If you haven’t had a chance to see what’s coming this year, check out our website at!


Hope to see you at one of our training sessions!

Professional Affiliations

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